31 Heroes

CrossFit, CrossFit Light (6am, 7am, 5:30pm, 6:30pm)
“31 Heroes”
AMRAP in 31 minutes:
– 8 Thrusters, 155/105 lbs
– 6 Rope Climbs
– 11 Box Jumps, 30/24″
This is a partner workout — Partner A completes as many rounds of the sequence above as possible while Partner B runs 400M with a med ball (20/14 lbs).  When Partner B comes back in the gym, they start where Partner A left off, and so on until time expires.  Your score is the total number of rounds completed.
Scaled weights are absolutely fine for the Thruster.  We’ll want to make it a heavy weight that you can handle with good form.
Scaling for 1 Rope Climb will be 5 Burpees, 5 Pull-ups.
Scaling for Box Jumps will be lower Box Jumps.  These guys died in a fiery helicopter crash, we can will ourselves to jump onto a box or stack of plates.
Please wear pants, tights, or high socks for Rope Climbs, and bring a water bottle.  We’re going to need to drink a lot during this workout!
Established to honor the 31 Americans killed in action on August 6, 2011, The 31Heroes Project serves to impact the lives of our nation’s heroes and their families, while remembering the fallen, through athletic endeavors and competitive fundraising events.
The 31Heroes Project was conceived in response to the Extortion 17 helicopter crash in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011 killing 30 military service members, as well as one military working dog – Many of the fallen were Special Operators from the Navy SEAL community.
31 Heroes Names

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