August 23rd, 2013

Thursday was a well-deserved rest day for many of you, but many of those that braved the WOD today also posted some awesome new Deadlift PRs!
– Billy 295
– Brian 365
– Andy 475
– Kenny 500!!
On Friday we’ll continue our strength trend of testing out 1RMs, moving on now to the Clean and Jerk.  Then after some solid practice, we’ll put our stamina to the test with a couplet that’s short on paper but will definitely test your ability to lift heavy loads and stay in control of your body position for a long period of time.
Strength:  15 mins to find Clean & Jerk 1RM
Work Capacity:
Two rounds for time:
– 15 Clean & Jerks, 135/95 lbs
– 15 L-Pullups (scaling:  15 strict pullups and a 15-second L-hang on the bar)
“Forgive me Grandfather, for now I must pick up the lance. Direct my mind, direct my heart so that there is no hatred, rage or revenge.”
– Shadow Walker, Apache scout

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