Class Schedule Change – 9/10 thru 9/15

Hi guys – Denee and I are taking a little extra-long-weekend trip from Thursday, September 10th to Tuesday, September 15th.  Lori and Dana are going to go above and beyond to cover a lot of the classes, but there will be some cancellations.  Check out the CrossFit class schedule summary below, and it has also been updated on our online schedule at .   Please note that during this time there are no 7am or 4pm classes, and no Open Gym.  Sign up for class to secure your spot!
Thursday, September 10th:  6am, 9:45am, 5:30pm, 6:30pm
Friday, September 11th:  6am, 5:30pm
Saturday, September 12th:  9am
Monday, September 14th:  5:30pm, 6:30pm (no morning class)
Tuesday, September 15th:  6am, 5:30pm, 6:30pm
Thanks for understanding and I hope you can make this schedule work with yours.  I would send you all postcards if those existed anymore, instead follow the gym on Instagram @crossfitkentisland and I will post some sweet pics!

Categories: WOD

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