CrossFit Games Open WOD 13.3

Oh yeah, baby – here we go again for another killer Friday Open workout!  This one starts with “Karen” which is 150 Wallballs for time, and then tacks on some more fun, just to make sure you’re working hard.

Ryan George and Jim getting a few Burpee Deadlifts in at 6am, no big deal

Also, this Friday’s 9am WOD will be cancelled because we were asked to do a CrossFit demo at the Reebok outlet store in Queenstown to close out their Friends and Family sale.  I’ll be there at 9am, showing people how to do Burpees and Snatches (sound familiar?) until they open at 10am.  Come on out and help show everyone how it’s done if you’d like!
CrossFit Games Open WOD 13.3
As many reps as possible in 12 minutes:
– 150 Wallballs (20/14 lb ball)
– 90 Double Unders
– 30 Muscle-ups

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