
What a hot one out there today, so we stayed indoors for the most part with a mid-level endurance test of the shoulders (HSPUs and Push Press), as well as some balance and coordination built in with Double-Unders and Toes-to-Bar.  Alot of times sub-10 mins which is awesome, and everyone had an exercise that was tougher than the others, but it was different for each person.  Pretty neat to see one person pulling away from the pack only to be caught when they hit their technical sticking point.
Tomorrow we’ll take advantage of the relatively cooler weather and do a pure conditioning workout with a little bit of skill involved… backwards running.  Any cornerbacks in the group?
This is actually a Hero WOD named “Griff” after USAF SSgt Travis Griffin, who was killed April 3, 2008 by an IED explosion in Baghdad.  Travis is survived by his son Elijah.  Let’s do this one for Griff.
For time:
Run 800M
Run 400M backwards
Run 800M
Run 400M backwards

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