
15 takers on “Loredo” makes it our most popular Hero WOD yet!

Six rounds of anything is a bitch and a half.  Make it pretty much all legs and throw in 400M runs every round and you got yourself a full-on disaster!  We all faced it head on though, and I’m sure SSgt Loredo would be proud of the effort.
Matis took the cake at the end of the party, finishing in a ridiculous 18:52, prompting Julia to say “I don’t even want to know what that feels like” – and I agree.  Freaking awesome work, Matis – as well as Grantham (20:22) and Dan (20:20) who held the lead at different points in the day.
Tomorrow we get back in the benchmark swing with “Helen”, a blurry mashup of running, KB swings and pullups that will leave you feeling like you never want to meet the girl it was named after.
Strength:  Overhead Squat 10-10-5-5-3-3-1-1
Work Capacity:  “Helen”
3 rounds for time:
– Run 400M
– 21 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs
– 12 Pullups
Time to beat: Alyssa 8:38 (11/6/2012)

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