What a fitting end to a long week – tonight’s workout was bathed in light but cold rain, and as always, it didn’t slow anyone down. Our previous record was Andy’s 15:29 on “Nancy”, and he beat the crap out of that by two minutes, ending in 13:30. Not fast enough for Matis, who screamed in a 12:20. Also beating the previous record were Ryan George (14:18), Dan (13:53), and Kenny (14:22). Eat it, Nancy!
Strength: ESAC4 WOD#2: Clean Ladder
– 1 Clean every 30 seconds, moving up in weight each time until failure. Men start at 95 lbs, women start at 45 lbs.
Work Capacity: ESAC4 WOD#3: Squat n’ Pull
– 30-20-10 reps of the following couplet for time, with a 95/65 lb barbell:
– Overhead Squat
– Sumo Deadlift High Pull
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