January 20th, 2014

On Monday we’ll drill technique on the Squat Snatch, focusing on a strong hip extension and quickly getting underneath the barbell (or PVC pipe to start!)  Our workout will also stress the importance of using those big legs and hips, since we’re going to start the Kettlebell Snatch from the Hang position (standing with the weight at your waist).
Skillwork:  Squat Snatch
Work Capacity:
100 Kettlebell Hang Snatches (53/35 lbs) for time, alternating arms
– If you put the kettlebell down, run 200M before continuing
“If you have nothing else to do, look about you and see if there isn’t something close at hand that you can improve! It may make you wealthy, though it is more likely that it will make you happy.”
– George Matthew Adams

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