Partner WOD:
AMRAP Box Jump Overs in 5 minutes. One partner completes as many Box Jump Overs as possible while the other Partner holds a 135/95 lb barbell in the Front Rack position. Partners can switch places as many times as necessary, but no reps can be completed if the barbell is not off the ground.
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP Wallballs (20/14 lbs) in 5 minutes. One partner completes as many Wallballs as possible while the other Partner hangs on the pull-up bar. Partners can switch places as many times as necessary, but no reps can be completed if the other partner’s feet are on the ground.
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP Burpees in 5 minutes. One partner completes as many Burpees as possible while the other Partner holds a 45/15 lb barbell Overhead. Partners can switch places as many times as necessary, but no reps can be completed if the barbell is not overhead.
Score is the total number of Box Jump Overs, Wallballs, and Burpees completed by both partners.
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