Reminder that Saturday’s WOD will be at 10:30am rather than 9am. At 9am we are holding our first Mobility Seminar with Athlete, Inc., which is now closed to new registrants. If you couldn’t make it this time, we hope to get another one on the books soon!
Work Capacity:
5 rounds for max reps – each round is a 3 minute AMRAP followed by 1 minute of rest
– 3 minute AMRAP:
– 3 Hang Cleans, 135/95 lbs
– 6 Pushups
– 9 Squats
Complete the following (not for time):
– 200M Farmers Carry with 35/26 lb Kettlebells
– 20 Kettlebell Thrusters
– Run 200M
– 200M Barbell Carry in the front rack position (95/65 lbs)
– 20 Barbell Push Press
– 200M Barbell Carry in the front rack position (95/65 lbs)
– Run 200M
– 200M Farmers Carry with 35/26 lb Kettlebells
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