March 17th, 2014

Happy St. Patty’s Day!  May your day be filled with green things and not too much snow.  Speaking of snow, stay tuned via email and Facebook about the status of the 6am and 7am classes tomorrow.  I will post the status of both classes by 5:30am.
Strength:  Push Press 5@75%, 5@80%, 5@85%
Work Capacity:
For time:
– Row 1000M
– 100 Squats
– 10 Squat Snatches, 135/95 lbs
“We shall never have more time. We have, and have always had, all the time there is. No object is served in waiting until next week or even until to-morrow. Keep going day in and out. Concentrate on something useful. Having decided to achieve a task, achieve it at all costs.”
– Arnold Bennett

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