May 14th, 2013

Let’s go back in time to revisit a great workout from the first Eastern Shore Affiliate Challenge that we participated in.  For those of you that weren’t there, the 2012 Summer ESAC started with a mile run, then there was the infamous Snatch Ladder, and finally this “21-15-9” monster that challenged each of us in different ways.  Some didn’t yet have the grip stamina to hold on to both the barbell and pullup bar the whole way through, and some got held up at gunpoint by the double-unders.  I’m pretty sure this workout is still going to suck, because that’s the ironic twist of CrossFit’s intensity factor – the better you get, the faster the workouts get – but the results will be so much better, because you all are WILD ANIMALS!

The florescent sun beating down on Jimmy as he powers through Overhead Lunges

Strength:  Overhead Squat 10-10-8-6  (65%-70%-75%-80% of 1RM)
Work Capacity:
21-15-9 reps for time of:
– Power Clean, 95/65 lbs
– Double-Under
– Pullup

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