May 1st, 2013

Wow, May 1st already?  Craziness.  Well, you know what they say, “April showers bring May snatches”.  So, true to tradition, on Wednesday we will work on our Squat Snatch technique with an “Every Minute, On the Minute” (EMOM) workout similar to last week’s Squat Clean workout.  Then we’ll get speedy with 100M sprints – the 90 second break is there to get you fully recovered so that each sprint can be a max effort.

Sweet new flags on the back wall, courtesy of my brother Nate!  Thanks to Kenny for putting them up!

Strength:  EMOM for 10 minutes, 3 Squat Snatches @ 50% of Overhead Squat 1RM
Speed:  10 rounds, 100M sprint and rest 90 seconds

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