October 4th, 2012

Hey all – sorry for the way late post for today’s WOD – I had a late night in Annapolis last night and when I got home I passed out before I could get my laptop open.
Yesterday’s WOD was a long burner, and the best scores were achieved by those that were able to minimize any longer rest periods.  Craig steamed through 10 rounds + 9 pullups, Byron got 9 rounds + 7 box jumps, and Heather dug deep for 8 rounds + 20 box jumps.  The 7pm killing it on this one!
Time to get back on the rope today – wear some pants/socks to minimize the chafe factor!  We’ll also spend some time discussing Handstand Pushup technique and increasing the comfort level on the wall.
With a continuously running clock do one HSPU the first minute, two HSPUs the second minute, three HSPUs the third minute… continuing as long as you are able.
5 Rounds for time:
1 Rope Climb
5 Handstand Pushups
15 Squats

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