Hey there –
This Wednesday evening the final Open WOD (13.5) will be announced, so this is your last chance to win that free month’s membership! We have seen alot of variation in the events up to this point, with the following movements being tested so far:
– Weighlifting: Snatch, Shoulder-to-Overhead, Deadlift, Wallball, Clean & Jerk
– Gymnastics: Burpee, Box Jump, Muscle-up, Toes-to-Bar
– Conditioning: Double-Under
Your best bet would be to think about what has not yet been tested, and muddle those together for what you think would be the nastiest workout yet!
Here are the rules of the game again:
– Each person can submit one guess (you do not have to be a current member at CFKI to compete)
– A guess can include as many movements as you would like
– A winning guess will be characterized as follows:
1. At least 50% of the guessed movements are actually in workout 13.5 (so, you are incentivized to not guess too many movements – you have to be accurate!)
2. At least 50% of the movements actually in workout 13.5 were present in the guess (so, you are incentivized to guess ALL of the movements you think will be in the workout)
– More than one person can win
– Guesses must be submitted either by posting a comment to this blog post, or posting a comment to this linked post on Facebook
– Winners will be announced on Wednesday, April 3rd after workout 13.5 is announced!
Open WOD 13.5 – Make Your Picks!
Good Luck!