Partner = Hero

Today we hit a Hero WOD, one that you can tell from the name, “Nutts”, was going to be tough.  Know how we made it harder?  We did it as a partner workout.  Do the same workout, but split the reps between two people.  Wait, that’s harder?  Let me enlighten you.
Your standard CrossFit workout is damn hard.  You have to push yourself through a multitude of exercises, sometimes trying to beat a personal best time, most times just trying to push yourself to keep going when you don’t know if you have any left.  How would you make that harder?
Add some skills that are tough enough to accomplish when you’re not physically and mentally exhausted – communicating with someone intelligently (counting reps and strategizing on how to accomplish the rest of the objective/mission/workout), and motivating that same person to do their job, while you are also spending your entire energy motivating yourself to do your part.
What I love most about CrossFit as I mature in my contribution to the sport is the opportunity to help other people accomplish their goals, and there is no better way to do that than to invest in their fitness in a very direct way.  When you partner with someone for a workout, you are accountable to them for a good performance.  The WOD doesn’t even have to be set up as a “Partner WOD” for this to take place.  Next time you are in class, make an effort to “partner” with someone during the workout – encourage them, cheer for them, pick them up when their body language shows that they need it.  Be their partner for just a little bit, and next time, they will return the favor.

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