Hey everybody, welcome back to ME! Hope everyone had a nice relaxing week and got a bit more rest than usual. My family and I had a great time at the beach in South Carolina and I got to visit CrossFit Hilton Head! They have some pretty sweet shirts, I’ll be brandishing one tomorrow.
This week we’ll get back into some Cleans and some new ringwork, and have a few days (including tomorrow) where there are two shorter workouts to do one after the other, in order to prepare for the Eastern Shore Affiliate Challenge that’s coming up in a few weeks.
Tomorrow we start off with a max effort Shoulder Press, and then a couplet of Thrusters and Ring Pushups, a new movement for us at CFKI that we’ll practice after a quick warmup. I know tomorrow is a holiday but I couldn’t wait to get back in there with you guys, so hopefully you can make it in but if not then I’ll see you Tuesday!
09032012.1 (Strength)
Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1 reps (find 1RM in 5 reps)
09032012.2 (Conditioning)
21-15-9 reps of:
Thruster, 95/65 lbs
Ring Pushups
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