Spring is in the air, the flowers are blooming, the grass is greener, the challenges are looming.
As the temperature rises in April, our event calendar is starting to heat up as well!
Throughout April, May and June, we will have lots of great opportunities to challenge ourselves, and thus lots of motivation to stay focused and train hard.
Many of us have Murph on the brain as Memorial Day gets closer, and that’s good because Murph is a hell of a challenge!
“Murph”: For time:
– 1 mile run
– 100 Pull-ups
– 200 Push-ups
– 300 Squats
– 1 mile run
And if that all sounds pretty doable, let’s go ahead and wear a 20-lb vest.
We’ll knock out Murph all together on Memorial Day, which is Monday, May 27th. If you’d like to donate to the Michael P. Murphy Foundation and get a great-looking t-shirt, tank, or hat, check out the Murph Challenge website and get yourself registered for the event. Make sure to let them know you’re doing the workout at CrossFit Kent Island!
To get ready for Murph, and as a special challenge on it’s own, May at CrossFit Kent Island will be “Hero Month”. Each week in May, in addition to our Saturday Hero WODs, we will do at least one more Hero WOD during the week. It’ll probably be more than one per week, just saying. More to come on this, but wanted to give you all a heads-up!
We’ll officially kick off our May Hero Month… in April. Saturday, April 27th will be another special Hero WOD that you might have done before, and if not, stand by.
“Manion”: 7 rounds for time:
– Run 400M
– 29 Back Squats, 135/95 lbs
Finally, on Saturday, June 8th, after a month of Hero WODs and then Murph, we will tackle an extra special challenge — a 12-hour Hero WOD Challenge. We inaugurated this last year at the same time, and it was such a great event and raised an amazing amount of money for a local veterans charity, so we just had to do it again. Those of you that were involved last year know how much fun that was, and we definitely encourage you to do it again! And for newcomers that are looking for something to push you way out of your comfort zone, this is it!
Can’t wait for an exciting and challenging May and June! Spring is here in full force!!
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