Haven’t done this one in a long time – for many of you the only Tabata interval you may have done is during the Fundamentals course you went through when first joining this crazy community of ninjas.
If you want to achieve the best score, try to think of a number of reps of each exercise you can maintain for 8 rounds.
If you want to get a kickass workout, go ALL OUT on each round, with the understanding that your last couple rounds of some exercises may just result in a “0” due to your complete inability to move at all.
“Tabata This”
8 rounds each, 20 secs work, 10 secs rest:
Row (count calories)
Rest 1 minute during the transition between exercises. Your score is the sum of your lowest number of reps of each exercise.
“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.”
– Plato
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