Workout Programming during "The Open"

Now that we are in the thick of the CrossFit Games Open of 2015, you might notice that our workout programming is going to be heavily weighted toward workouts.  That means mostly simple single-, double-, or triple-movement workouts that are short and intense, which will prepare us best for the Open.  Following the workouts on will also ensure that we don’t throw a workout in there on Thursday that ends up being a lot like Friday’s Open WOD.  So what you will not see is a strength portion followed by a metcon – we just don’t need to do that much work right now.
We’ll get back into our regular programming after the Open, which will consist of some double-workout days (strength + quick WOD), and in general a bit more volume than we’re doing now.  In class let’s spend some good time warming up and cooling down so that we stay really healthy during this Open season, and we can perform at our best!

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