Happy Thanksgiving

As I write this, I am in the waiting room at Washington Hospital Center, waiting for Denee’s heart surgery to be completed.  It’s a relatively simple procedure because of amazing technology, not an urgent thing or open-heart, and everything is going to be fine.  But sitting in the hospital, not knowing exactly what’s going on for a couple hours, gives you a chance to be still and think.  Think about what’s really important in life, and conversely what’s not.
Family is important.  In the spirit of Thanksgiving, and trying to give your family the best holiday possible, leave those grudges and old fights behind you.  Try to make a connection with someone in your family that you haven’t been that close to before.  When it all comes down to the line, your family are the people you can depend on, and if they’re currently not, make an effort to let them know that you are that person for them.
This is what Thanksgiving is all about – celebrating the people in our lives we are thankful for, and letting them know about it.  Don’t forget that we’re not going to be around forever, so make every moment with your loved ones count.
Food is not.  Are you a gung-ho Paleo adherent, swearing off carbs forever?  Good for you, I applaud your determination and 260 days of the year I’m with you brother (weekends aren’t real days).  Don’t make it a big deal when Uncle Carl spoons up a second helping of stuffing.  This isn’t about you and your convictions, it’s about having a good time with family (see above).  Please don’t sit down at the Thanksgiving dinner table ready for war on which nutrition plan is best, or loudly refuse to eat that turkey that your mom put so much effort into, on the the grounds that it wasn’t ethically raised.  You’re being an asshole, and you’re missing the point.  Quietly pass the plate on, and make a mental note to talk to your mom some other time about how to choose the best meat.
Reading back through what I wrote here, it seems like I’m trying to pick a fight with someone who hasn’t done anything to me, and I hope no one takes it that way.  I’m just really looking forward to giving my wife and kids a big hug, and letting them know how much I love them, and then maybe we eat something.  It could be microwaved lasagna, and it will be the best meal in the world.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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