I think we can all agree that CrossFit Kent Island is an awesome place, and not just because we say it is and we use the term “awesome” a lot. OK, specifically I use it a lot. But it’s totally true! And if something is awesome, it’s alright to come out and say it.
We have an awesome facility, surrounded by awesome outdoor space with a beach and a running trail and some tractor tires that just appeared out of nowhere because they were tired of being driven on and wanted to be awesome.
We have awesome coaches that care about each of us as athletes but even more so as people, and are genuinely awesome people to be around, as physically formidable as they are.
And of course we have awesome members. We have an amazingly awesome (I tried to just write amazing there but it didn’t work) group of athletes that love to workout together, motivate each other to get back in and work harder than the day before, and hang out on the weekends pretending to know something about fishing, following the 80/20 rule. Wait, that’s just me again.
But what if it could get even more awesome? Is that even a thing? How could it be? Is he going to rhetorically ask one more question?
It could get even more awesome if you think for a second about that awesome friend you have, or a hilarious sister, or your neighbor who always asks you where you work out and then talks about “back in the day” when he used to lift a lot. What if they were part of the CFKI family too?
Starting today we’d like to re-launch our New Member Referral Program, or NMRP. Here’s the deal – if you refer a new member to us, and they purchase at least one monthly membership, your next month is free. Bingo bango, it’s free money. All you have to do is ask your buddy to join you for a class, or suggest they come in and try our Free Intro Session. When they join up, because the lightbulb will go off in their head as soon as they walk in the door, just remind us that you were the one that referred them, and that next month’s invoice gets shredded, or electronically deleted because we’re fancy with technology. Feel free to share the savings with them, or don’t – we won’t tell them. Unless you spill the chalk bucket.
So, how can this place get even more awesome? By you inviting your awesome family and friends to join us. It’s our biggest (and only) source of marketing, so we’d like to reward you for it. Get someone started, get a free month. And then you have someone to beat in workouts for a while!