Share Your Dive Plan

CFKI team,
As we’ve continued to grow and have begun to offer more services, we’d like to also continue to vary the times that we offer our CrossFit classes as well as other specialty programs that will benefit those of you working toward certain goals, or those that want to just “change it up” once in a while.  Some examples include Coach Jason’s Olympic Lifting seminars, Coach Alyssa’s upcoming gymnastics training sessions (oh, it’s happening!), and maybe something that I have up my sleeve soon.
Along with that, at times we take a look at classes that aren’t performing as well as our most popular ones, and try to determine the reasons.  Do these classes not work for your schedules any longer? (10am’ers, pipe in here).  Is it now getting too late and dark for you to regularly attend? (6:30 folks, we need your opinions).  Class times that are poorly attended are potentially good candidates for new service offerings, as we try to serve our membership to the highest level possible and we know we have coaches that are ready and willing to lead you through a fun fitness experience.
Please let us know in a couple ways what you think of the 10am and 6:30pm class times if you are a regular there:
1. Email us at
2. Share your “Dive Plan” with us by signing up for class well in advance
Share Your Dive Plan
A couple years ago I wrote a blog called “Plan Your Dive, Dive Your Plan”.  The goal here was to create a paradigm shift in the way we all plan out our fitness journey, in the short term.  I asked that in the beginning of each week, we all sign up for the classes that we plan to attend for the week – our “Dive Plan”.  Then, it’s as simple as diving your plan.  Those of you that are SCUBA divers will be most familiar with this concept, but really it’s about coming up with a solid plan of what you’re going to do, and then DOING IT.  Your scheduled workout becomes a more solid, written in ink and not pencil, part of your day, and you’ll have a much harder time deviating from it.
This creates a weekly and then daily habit of prioritizing your fitness above other things – maybe things that take away from your fitness – which will both skyrocket your fitness level and also make sure that the classes that you want to attend don’t go away!
I encourage you all you go have a blast from the past and read this post, and then get in the habit of Sharing Your Dive Plan with us on Wodify by signing up for class at the beginning of each week.
I know I speak for all of our great coaches when I say we can’t wait to continue working with you to improve our fitness, health, and happiness.  You all are the best!

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