Tempo Deadlift 1RM

CrossFit Kent Island – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

2 rounds:

200M Run

8 Wall-facing Squats

8 Good Mornings, barbell

8 Hip Bridges, barbell

6 GHD Hip & Back Extensions

4 Broad Jumps

Then ramp up to 50% 1RM Deadlift with 5-5-5
Pre-WOD mobility:

MBOD (2 min each side)

Low back smash (2 min each side)


Tempo Deadlift (1-1-1-1-1-1-1)

1 second pause at the top

10 second descent

1 second pause at the bottom


Weighted Pull-ups (10-10-10)

3 sets of up to 10 strict pull-ups (use band or add weight to get close to 10)

Note: To save your results, for strict pull-ups use a weight of “0”. For banded pull-ups, use a weight of “0” and add your band in the comments.

Post-WOD Recovery

Super couch (2 min each side)

Seated hamstring stretch (3 min hold)

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