2014 Goal Setting

2013 has come and gone – how did you do with your goals?  Maybe you wrapped it up super-quick and then didn’t really have another goal to shoot for.  Maybe your goal remained just out of reach all year because it was a little too lofty, or maybe you couldn’t narrow down your goals enough and were shooting for too many at once.  Maybe you’re a practiced goal-setter and you nailed that thing to the wall right on schedule!  In any case, the new year is a great opportunity to refocus and redouble your efforts toward a solid goal.
Julia Handstand Hawaii
The best goals will have the following attributes:
1. They are specific and measurable.  Not just “I want to lose weight”, but “I will lose 15 pounds”
2. They are attainable and realistic.  If you currently squat 200 lbs, squatting 400 lbs in the next year is not going to happen for you!
3. They are time-bound.  “I will climb to the top of the rope by May 31st, 2014”
4. Finally, they are SINGULAR.  If you choose two tough goals, it will take you twice as long to achieve just one of them as if you just choose one and go for it.  Set your sights on one goal, crush it, and move on!
How can you work on achieving your goal, given that our class time is scheduled already with a warmup, strength/skill component and WOD?  Here are a couple ideas:
1. Show up to class on time and ready to work, knock out the warmup and mobility quickly and spend 2-3 minutes working on your goal.
2. Keep your goal in mind when deciding how/if to scale the workout.
For example, if your goal is to lose weight, it is generally a good idea to use a lighter, manageable weight during a timed workout so that you can continue to move fast.  Use the strength components of the schedule to get some heavy work done, and then use a light weight for the Work Capacity component.  Also, if your goal is to do a strict Pull-up and the workout calls for 25 Pull-ups in a set, instead of using the blue band and zooming through 25 reps, choose a light band that you can do a small amount of reps with, and scale the number of reps in the workout.
3. Keep your goal in mind during the workout itself.
If your goal is to improve your Front Squat 1RM, then as you are squatting with heavy weight make absolutely sure that your form is perfect.  You can’t add weight to your squat if you are allowing your lower back and shoulders to round forward, and if you let the weight slide down to your rest in your hands.
Think about what you are excited about achieving in the new year, and when you think you can achieve it.  Email me at ryan@crossfitkentisland.com with your goal, and I can give you some feedback on whether it meets the criteria above.  Then write it on the whiteboard at the gym, write it down at home next to wear you lace up your shoes, write it somewhere that you will see it on a daily basis so that you’re always reminded of what you are working toward.
Looking forward to helping you meet your goal in 2014!

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