2017 CrossFit Open Wrap-up

So, the 2017 CrossFit Open is over, and the excitement of throwing down against the world has passed, until next year.  I am so proud of everyone that competed in the Open, especially all of you that jumped in for the first time!  

I hope you all had fun and learned about yourselves a bit.  Which workouts did you perform best at?  Look into the key movements or format of those WODs and find your strengths.  

Which did you struggle with more than your peers?  You probably already know these movements or the weights involved are a weakness of yours.  Create a new goal to improve, and attack that weakness without mercy!

Although it can be a bit of a time-suck when you should be being productive (my weakness!), the CrossFit Games Leaderboard (https://games.crossfit.com/leaderboard) is of course the place to find out where you and your friends rank among the world, in the region (ours is the Mid Atlantic), or in your state.  In reviewing where everyone landed from CFKI, our coaches and I made some awesome discoveries that I just had to share:

 – Drew Little placed 6th in Maryland for the Teenage Boys 16-17 division!!

 – Madison Little placed 4th in the state of Maryland in the Teenage Girls 14-15 division!!

 – Andrew Little placed 94th in Maryland in the 40-44 division, with a bum leg that kept him from completing much of the first 3 workouts!

 – Tristan Tricarico placed 9th among all firefighters in Maryland!

 – Lori McClelland placed 16th in Maryland in the 35-39 age group!

 – Denee Wolf placed 6th in Maryland in the 35-39 age group!

 – David Oliva placed 4th in Maryland and 267th in the WORLD in the 60+ age group, which is in the top 13%!!

 – Alyssa Stookey placed 3rd in Maryland in the 35-39 age group, 22nd in the region, and 229th in the WORLD!!  That’s out of 26,957 competitors, which is better than top 1% in the world.  Incredible!

Once again we have proven that we are among the best when it comes to community, fundraising, and straight up CrossFit!!  Great work, everyone!!

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