GoRuck Challenge – Deadline for Buddy Pass!

Today is the last day to sign up for the Annapolis GoRuck Challenge on April 6th and get a free buddy pass!  If you sign up TODAY, you get an email with a coupon for a 100% discount code for a friend.  What a great way to make friends if you don’t have any yet!  And if you do, well I’m sure they would want to do this… take a chance!

Happy 2013! Lower Rates for January!

I’ve been spreading the word through the CFKI grapevine but figured it was about time to make it official.  The monthly rates for group class memberships have been lowered by 33% as follows:
2 x per week: $67
3 x per week: $83.75
Unlimited classes:  $100
The rates will return to their normal $100, $125, $150 levels on February 1st, so take advantage while you can!  You can lock in this special rate for 3, 6, or 12 months at a time by purchasing a contract, or just sign up for 1 month if you’re just getting started.
Can’t wait to spread the CrossFit love all over Kent Island!!

Evening Class Schedule Change

As a reminder, our evening class schedule is changing as of Monday.
The new schedule is:
Monday:  5:30pm, 6:30pm
Tuesday:  4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm
Wednesday:  5:30pm, 6:30pm
Thursday:  4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm
Friday:  5:30pm
See you all on the half-hour!

Holiday Party Pics

The ladies hanging out
The kids playing… on their iPads!

Craig and Oliver – current and future “Go Ruck Tough”

Hey guys – Denee and I wanted to say “thank you so much!” for all the great food and drinks you guys provided for the party last night, but especially for the great company and holiday spirit you brought into our house.  I feel very blessed to have met you all through this craziness we call CrossFit, and to be able to work with you every day to meet your fitness goals.  You guys are the best!  Here’s a quick look at 100% of the pictures I got from the party.  I’m so terrible at taking pictures… if anyone else got any send them my way and we’ll get them printed out for a little gym decor.

Holiday Party Update

Hey all – just a quick note to let you know we’ve moved the location of the party from the gym to my house.  I’m just 0.75 miles from the gym, near the end of Thompson Creek Rd.  Even if you can’t bring anything to munch on, grab a sixer or a bottle of vino and come on by!  We’ll start hanging out at 6pm, and keep the lights on until the eggnog is gone (that’s Paleo, right?)
“The Wolf Den”
902 Thompson Creek Rd
Stevensville, MD 21666
Hope to see you all there!

Upcoming class cancellations

Hi all,
Due to a couple upcoming conflicts, the following group classes will be cancelled.  I will post workouts for these days that can be done at home or outside so that your training is not interrupted if you planned to attend these sessions.
Saturday, October 6th: 9am
Saturday, October 6th: Open Gym (2-4pm)
Thursday, October 11th: 12pm
Sorry for the inconvenience!

Class Schedule Change

Hey everyone –
We are making two changes to the schedule effective next week, September 24th:
– We will begin offering a group class at 12pm on Tuesday and Thursday
– The Saturday 10am class has been removed from the schedule due to a lack of interest;  the 9am class remains on the schedule
Thanks, and happy WOD’ing!

Schedule Change: Saturday, September 8th

Brothers and Sisters in CrossFit:
Saturday’s (9/8/2012) 9am and 10am classes will be cancelled this week so I can dominate the Run 4 Shelter 10K race.  I’m going to try to run at the front of the pack from the start so that everyone can see my new CrossFit Kent Island t-shirt (still dependent on them being done tomorrow…)
If you want to get some work done this Saturday, I’ll be at the box for the 2-4pm Open Gym!

Alex's 1st Muscle-up!

Alex joined Bobby and Kenny as our resident Muscle-uppers today before the 6pm class.  Of course, he had to do it again so that we could catch it on camera!
Congrats, Alex!!!
Alex MU

Beyond The Whiteboard

For anyone that has not heard, we recently set up a new website for online workout tracking called BeyondTheWhiteboard.com.  It really is even more than workout tracking, too – you can enter and trend your weight, meals, water intake, how you feel.  You can enter your goals and see your progress toward them.
The other great benefit is that we will have an online leaderboard for every single workout that we do at the gym, and you can enter your own workouts that you do, too!
Give it a try if you haven’t yet – there is no cost to you to use the site!
Check out a screenshot of the site: