

  • CrossFit Level 1


Favorite WOD :: “Cindy”
Least Favorite WOD :: 5k Run for time, or any running workout

I’ve always enjoyed time in the gym from high school sports until now, but as I got older I wanted to improve performance and stamina for my career as a first responder. I found myself struggling to balance time with my family and the need to spend hours in the gym lifting and doing cardio. I first got into CrossFit when the gyms closed during the pandemic. I was looking for a way to stay in shape with minimal equipment and time restraints when I stumbled upon CrossFit. I ended up falling in love with it and couldn’t believe how much my fitness improved so quickly. The ideology and concepts of CrossFit worked perfect for my busy schedule and desire to improve functional fitness. 

I enjoy coaching because there is nothing like watching someone else’s improvement in physical / mental health and knowing you took part in that transformation. 

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