October 4th, 2013

Well that Squat Clean / HSPU workout was a real suckfest, huh?  I think we broke the world record for sweat produced in a single October day.
Friday’s workout should be a piece of cake though – it was the final WOD from the Battle at the Beach that Matis and Grantham competed in this summer.  Grantham – you have to tackle this one again at UMD tomorrow!
Grantham KB Swing10042013
As many reps as possible in 20 minutes:
– 50 Thrusters, 45/35 lbs
– 50 Double-Unders
– 50 Burpees
– 50 Toes to Bar
– 50 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
– 50 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs
Because you all kick so much ass, we’re going to adopt the same fun rule from the competition:  If the Thruster bar or the Kettlebell touch the ground, it’s a 10-rep penalty.
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.”
 – Buddha

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