August 11th, 2014

Sorry for the late post.  I got caught up watching Shark Week!!
CrossFit (6am, 6pm)
Run 400M
2 rounds of 10 Squats, 10 Back Squats (45/35 lbs), 1 minute Couch Stretch (1 side)
Ramp up to 75% 1RM Back Squat
Strength:  Back Squat 10-10-10 @ 75% 1RM
We’re getting to the point where it might be difficult to do 10 reps in a set.  If that’s the case, stop after as many consecutive reps as you can.  In other words, if you have to stop after 8 reps, don’t go back and do another 2 reps, just leave it at 8.
Work Capacity:
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
– 25 Pull-ups
– 50 Sit-ups
– 25 Overhead Squats, 65/35 lbs
– 50 Double-Unders

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