December 10th, 2013

Snatches and Muscle-ups, doesn’t get much better!
Our warmup will focus on Muscle-up technique, and 3 failed Muscle-ups (or chest-to-bar/rings pull-ups) will be our primary way of scaling the Muscle-ups in this workout.  For those that don’t yet have the capacity to bruise their sternum on the pull-up bar in the name of fitness, we’ll do 3 Muscle-ups with feet on the ground.
Strength:  Find Snatch 1RM
Work Capacity:
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
– 1 Muscle-up (bar or rings)
– 20 Snatches, 95/65 lbs
– 30 Double-Unders
“He that would have fruit must climb the tree.”
– Thomas Fuller

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