December 5th, 2012

We haven’t done a team workout in a while – that was a blast!  More of those coming up, for sure!  The 6pm class faced off as The Badass Ladies vs. The Kings of Awesome, and it was a pretty sweet throwdown.  The dudes came in at 10:02, winning the faceoff, but the ladies probably rocked us on # of reps completed.  We don’t know for sure, because Danny refuses to count and also I didn’t want to add up all those picky numbers.
In the 6am class, Team Ryan sped through the WOD as posted (as a Partner rather than 4-man) in 8 minutes!
Overhead Squat 10-5-5-5
Work Capacity:
3 rounds for time:
– 10 Overhead Squats @ 5RM (up to 135lbs)
– 50 Double-Unders

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