Let’s hear it for Michelle’s first pullup!! Of course like all firsts on camera, this was actually her second successful attempt – I had to go get my phone and make her do it over again! Great job, let me know when the celebratory Crab Deck trip is and I will be there to document the shenanigans! And drink beers.
Michelle Pullup (sorry for the horizontality – but the frog kick technique really does make it look like she’s swimming!)
I didn’t get everyone’s times on the board today, but I did note that Gene busted open the door with a really solid 8:52, the best time of the 6:30 class – and it was his first group class! I love it when that happens. Go Gene!
Work Capacity:
Two rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
20 Pull-ups
20 Front squats, 115/85 lbs
20 Toes-to-bar
20 Power clean, 115/85 lbs
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