If there is anything that you want to get better at, be it eating more veggies, getting that pullup, improving your grades or quality of work, now is the time to set that goal and see it through. Mark Divine of SEALFIT.com says that in order to make it stick we must “resolve positively”, that is, frame your resolution in a positive way. Here’s an excerpt from his blog:
Resolve Positively!
On New Year’s Day, I attended a very good yoga clinic near the SEALFIT Training Center. The seasoned teacher, Michael Fukumara, talked about resolutions, a fitting subject for the day. His insight hit home and is worth sharing. Michael said that whenever he sets a New Year resolution that comes from a place of fear (substitute any negative energy here) the resolution won’t stick. It will fail due to lack of a positive drive with which to power momentum for the desired change. A good example of this is the resolution to quit eating sweets or to quit drinking after the excesses of the holidays – The motivation for this resolution being your disgust with your lack of discipline and how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally.
The Hero’s Journey
Like the Hero on his epic journey, you will be challenged soon after resolving to a worthy goal such as this. A few weeks later the Super Bowl will be upon you. What should you do? Your mind says “no” but your inner voice says “what the heck, you deserve it after a month of clean living. Go ahead and let your hair down for the party. Just this once won’t matter much…you will get back on track the next week.” Guess what? Game over dude. The negative driver for the resolution – that of a lack of discipline or disgust over your waistline – is not powerful enough to keep you on track. The hero is defeated…temporarily. Now it is time to get serious.
Drive on!
How can we resolve to an important change and make it enduring? Try stating and feeling your desired outcome from the most authentic of positive energies – that of love for yourself. Commit to improve your health and vitality in 2013 because you desire to love and connect more fully, starting with yourself! Then tie this positive state to specific goals of reducing the consumption of sugar or alcohol…coming back to your powerful “why” whenever you are challenged by the “enemy” of desire. The positive motivation of love will outperform the negative motivation of fear each time, and you will be on your way to a healthier, more energetic and vibrant year. Good luck with this – and we wish you an amazing 2013!
So, what is your New Year’s Resolution? And why? Remember to stay positive!
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