Log Your Results!

Hey guys – one of the great benefits of working out at CFKI is a free membership to Beyond the Whiteboard, our online tracking tool.  I create our workouts in there every day.  If you’ve done a benchmark workout, then you have been setup in BTWB (www.beyondthewhiteboard.com).  Up to this point, I have been recording your benchmark workout results in there each Wednesday night, so that I can see your progress and analyze where you, and us as a whole, are improving or stagnating.  Very cool, right?
What I’d like to do going forward is give you the keys to the car, and let you input those scores yourself.  I know a lot of you are already doing this, but I’d like to have EVERYONE start doing it.
You can follow a couple paths here.  You could just log your Wednesday benchmark scores, so that you can see what your improvement is next time you hit that WOD.  That would be a very good start.  Or, you could log your workout results every day!  The additional benefits to tracking every workout are:
1.  Beyond the Whiteboard provides you with instant feedback on your result.  If you enter your height and weight (just once, unless either of those start to change!), BTWB will tell you how powerful your workout was.  Force * Distance / Time = Power, right?  So the application calculates your power output for that workout and you can understand how you did on that workout, relative to other ones.  In general, your power output will be very high in short, intense workouts, and lower on longer endurance WODs.
2.  You are more accountable to yourself for today’s workout result, based on the power feedback above.  If you know you are going to enter your time online at the end of that Thursday bruiser of Row/Burpee/BoxJump/Run (spoiler alert!), you might not rest as much and maybe you’ll push it a little bit more on that last run.  You want to enter that score thinking that was the best you could have done, and let’s see where that best puts me today.  Think of this as stoking your internal fire during those “this WOD sucks” moments.
3.  The BTWB tool also will remind you how much you have lifted before with any weightlifting movements in the workout.  So if Friday’s WOD has 15-12-9 Jerks (it does), when you open that workout you will see what recent workouts you’ve done that contain Jerks, and how much weight you lifted for how many reps at a time.  Neato!
So, in conclusion, I would like you to start entering your WOD results on a daily basis in Beyond the Whiteboard (www.beyondthewhiteboard.com).  Your username is your email address, and your password if you haven’t changed it yet is crossfit (change it now!)  You can do it on your computer, or they have a pretty nice app as well, so you can just hang out next to the whiteboard with your phone at the end of class and throw it right in there.
Happy WODing!!!

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