October 16th, 2013

How ’bout a little ESAC practice?  On Wednesday we’ll hit 3 of the 4 individual WODs (the other being 25 tire flips and jump-throughs for time), so that those that are competing can get a baseline and have a score to beat, and those that are not competing can get a feel for what the ESAC would be all about!
Strength:  Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
– Men start at 65 lbs, women start at 35 lbs, and see how heavy you can get!
Work Capacity:
AMRAP in 10 mins:
– 5 Sneaky Petes (Pull-up + Toes-to-Bar)
– 10 Wallball 2-for-1’s
– 20 Double-Unders
AMRAP in 4 mins:
– Push-up on Kettlebells
– Shoot feet through to Dip position
– Dip on Kettlebells
– Shoot feet back to Push-up position
Wallball 2-for-1 demo with Matt Chan

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