June 15th, 2012

Today was a longer workout than most we’ve had recently, a 5-rounder that challenged everyone in different ways – the coordination and rhythm of Double-Unders, the abdominal strength and endurance of Knees to Elbows, and the balance and mental fortitude of walking with weight overhead.  A few people came out of the workout with a little bit more of a feel for the Double-Under technique, with Mike and Andy each stringing together personal records of consecutive jumps.
In the end, Craig pulled out the daily win with a time of 15:32, capitalizing on his near-perfect form on the Double-Unders and sheer tenacity to get one more rep on the bar.  Amazing job today, Craig!
Tomorrow we take a break from the grinder and go heavy again, this time we’ll practice the Clean and Jerk and then build up to a one-rep max.
Clean and Jerk, 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

June 14th, 2012

Diane was staring you all down as you walked in the door this evening, with heavy deadlifts and handstand pushups – at least one of those has to be in everyone’s favorite (or least favorite) top 5.  Everyone put out big time though, and Kenny tackled Diane as Rx’d in 10:32, a new box record!
5 Rounds for time:
20 Double-unders
15 Knees to Elbows
10 walking lengths of the gym with a 45-lb plate overhead


Thanks for the flexibility today with just the one early class.  Andy and Kenny took on the challenge of the 800M x 3 and both kept up awesome pace for all three splits, with Kenny taking home the daily trophy at 12:50 (which included 4 mins of prescribed rest).  It takes motivation to get out of bed that early to run long distances very fast!
21-15-9 reps for time:
Deadlifts, 225 lbs
Handstand Pushups

June 12th, 2012

We had our biggest crowd in the gym tonight, with seven people working out at once, and most doing a workout (Jackie) that involved the use of our one rowing machine.  Just walking around and seeing people motivating each other as they each worked on different things before and after the WOD made me feel really proud of the community that is forming at CFKI.  I love working out and hanging out with you all!
After the workout, Kenny and Chris delivered on an idea that got cooked up last week to build a wall-mounted rig for rope climbs and ring work.  Then, perhaps inspired by the promise of high rings, Kenny got his first muscle-up, using the rings hanging from the high bar on the pullup rig!  Awesome work, and something that will have to be recreated with a video camera rolling next time!
Reminder – tomorrow’s only class will take place at 6am.  If you can’t come in for class, try this workout out around home – just measure out 800M on a route mapping website like USA Track and Field’s “Running Routes” http://www.usatf.org/routes/map/
3 Rounds for time:
Run 800M
Rest 2 minutes


Tomorrow’s workout is another benchmark “girl” WOD, with a mid-distance row paired with a couple endurance-taxing sets of thrusters and pullups.  Good stuff!
Please remember also that there is no 6pm class tomorrow.
For time:
Row 1000M
50 Thrusters, 45 lb bar
30 Pullups

Hope at CrossFit Kent Island

Craig, Heather and Adam after Hope. They eventually got up, I swear!

Craig, Heather and Adam in better spirits

I’m proud of you guys.  CrossFit for Hope was a well-designed workout, if you value punishing burpees followed by technical snatches, just the first two of five movements executed for max reps in a minute.  It’s also for a great cause – the St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital – and although we didn’t get sponsors and raise money this year, I am thinking now about all the suffering that was felt at CrossFit boxes around the world today as everyone did the workout, and the suffering that the money raised will hopefully prevent of kids with cancer.  What a great event and a great workout, and I hope they keep it going next year – we’ll definitely be on the money train then.
Kenny and Craig tied for the high member score (with no scaling) at 178 reps, getting their name on the CFKI Record Board!  Adam McConnell of CrossFit Nation in Easton came up for a workout with Craig and Heather, and threw up a dominating score of 219 reps, with a record high 85 reps in the first round.  Adam is a CrossFit trainer as well as a Parkour instructor- check out CrossFit Nation sometime if you ever want to learn how to move around/over object like a ninja!
Here’s the workout again in all it’s glory.  Great job again to everyone and see you tomorrow for Open Gym at 2pm.  Come on by to work on technique or get a workout in that you missed this week.
3 Rounds for total reps:
1 minute of Burpees
1 minute of Power Snatches, 75lbs/45lbs
1 minute of Box Jumps, 24in/20in box
1 minute of Thrusters, 75lbs/45lbs
1 minute of Chest-to-Bar Pullups
1 minute rest

June 8th, 2012

Pretty rad workout today, ladies and gents!  The old 10-9-8… workout seems like a big smiley face because it’s just going to get easier, until you do it.  You all went hard on it though!  Alex got the best time with strict handstand pushups the whole time at 22:25, and Craig came in at 15:07 with assisted HSPUs.  Beauty!
Welcome, by the way, to Craig, Heather and Ryan, who will be joining us starting… well, today!
3 rounds for time, using your 5 rep max Overhead Squat weight for all movements:
12 Deadlifts
9 Squat Cleans
6 Push Pressses
3 Overhead Squats
Run 400M

June 7th, 2012

Today was another one of those deceptively tough workouts, with relatively low rep sets of pullups and ring dips (5 each), but combine the lack of experience that many athletes have on the rings with the number of quick sets you’re doing in a row (5), and it’s a ballbuster.  Oh, yeah, and then run an 800M afterwards.
Nice job to Kenny with the low time of the day at 9:56.  Kenny said that because he was using kipping pullups, it was almost like the pullup sets were the “rest period” of the workout.  I love it.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the following:
Handstand pushups
Box Jumps

June 6th, 2012

There was some awesome lifting going on today at CFKI, as Andy and Kenny finally got their wish and got to go heavy on some deadlifts.  Some big lifts coming from Chris, Alex and Andrea too, not to mention Patrick wearing khakis and boat shoes!
The big lift of the day goes to Mike, who pulled 345 lbs up 5 times, and then 365 lbs 3 times.  Sorry we had to give away your secret identity, Mike, but had to get this pic on the site.

Run 800M
5 rounds of the couplet:  5 pullups, 5 ring dips
Run 800M

June 5th, 2012

Time to go heavy!  We’ll make sure everyone’s got some good form on the deadlift, then spend 5 sets finding your 5-rep max.
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 reps